Saturday, August 27, 2005

Salmon recipe

A very wild thing happened this evening after work. Lois Ann and i are now empty nesters and i was a little bored, so i talked Lois into going up to Bishop Creek. We took Ivy because Holly wanted us to bring her to the beach once in a while. There were some silver salmon swimming up and down the creek and one of them flopped onto that little island in the stream. I gave Lois Ann the camera and ran over to pick it up for supper tomorrow night. There are the pictures to prove it. No rod, no hooks, no net...wild Alaska salmon.

Here is the Steve Vollertson Salmon recipe:
This is for 1/2 a salmon - double the ingredients for a whole salmon
1/2 onion chopped
3 Tablespoons sweet cooking rice wine (chinese food section)
2 Tablespoon soy sauce
2 Tablespoons horseradish
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon rosemary
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
a little less than a stick of butter melted
Cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil (this helps with clean-up)
Melt some of the butter on the foil
Place the fish fillet skin down on the foil
Stir up the above ingredients and cover the fish with it
You can let it marinate for a half hour if you want
Cook it at 350 or on the bar-be-que until the flesh is cooked.
It is good to spoon the liquids over the fish a few times while it is cooking
Do not overcook or it will be too tough



DeanTheBean said...

Thanks Mark.
I went to the liquor store the other day to get rice wine and he gave me "Saki", because he said the main ingredient in Saki is rice. I think Saki is Japanese... I wonder how that would work...

ms said...

sweet cooking rice wine