Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Life is Exciting

Hey Round Ones, I post so seldom you prabably think I don't know how! But I still drop in from time to time. Love all the pictures---I don't have any today. Why is everyone so busy or are you so low you don't have anything to say? 'Never bored with the Lord' I always say! Although at times I don't have a clue what's going on, I think these are the most exciting days to be alive (in Christ)!
On January third I was laid off! It was a bit of a shock, but looking back I could see the potential of it happening. "Greg, it's been really good working with you but we are making some changes in the bindery and we just don't need you any more!" In other words business just isn't good enough to keep you around, we're cutting everywhere. Five others besides me were laid off, some of the highest paid in the place. Some of the most experienced, best, etc. It's just business! Got to keep the bottom line, above all else. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter. Stuff just happens and the Lord provides, so "don't worry"MT6!
I took a couple days off to pray and think and then started looking over my prospects. A couple of friends suggested a place that was looking for someone like me. So I went and got another job. I was working again on Jan 11! Same pay; I just lost vacation time that I had built up over the years.
Then after working there about 6 weeks, it was the same thing again. "Greg, we're going a different direction with the bindery, It's been nice having you around, See ya!"??? What in the world is going on? I'm a good worker with lots of experience, enjoying my job, doing it right!
So I've been out of work almost two weeks now, but next week I'll be starting at another place, on a trial basis. It's like the guy wants to be sure we both like me working there. I always just like to bloom where I'm planted, so we'll see if I bloom.
That's a little of what's been happening with me. Those six weeks I was doing a bit of overtime, pretty busy! Now I'm busy with other stuff.
The most exciting thing for me during these same couple of months has been a new friend! A young man who we've known since he was a baby; we lived in the same building at Bethany for a few months before we went to the Phils; we have pictures of Amy and him hanging out, they were best friends; came to church. Long story shortened; he got done sowing his wild oats; came back to Jesus; we got together mutually wanting to form a disciple/apprentice---mentor/discipler relationship. We've been having a great time!!! We get together one evening a week for a couple hours. Everyone should try it! Why haven't I done this more over the past 33 years?! I'm almost as excited as a new convert! I could say so much more. Any questions just give me a call!
God bless all you busy people, love ya'all. Greg


Dancelot said...

Wow! I'm out of breath just reading about your past few months! At the very least I think we can say that life is an adventure.

DeanTheBean said...


ms said...

Yes, quite the changes. Is the trial job going OK? We had a very strange winter of just relaxing at work and fixing a few things. The price of ammonia has hit $500 and urea $400 a ton (about $100 higher for each) which is why they have kept us on even though we will only get gas for 6 or 7 months this summer. Lots of guys have gotten jobs at the refinery across the street and others have gone up to the north slope. It will be a scarier start up.

Have computers hurt the publishing business? We'll pray things go OK for you.

grandmajean said...

Now that this will publish, know Greg that we are praying for you and whatever God had in mind for you. We have a close friend in the church that is a young father who has been without work for about a year. He is a very gifted man but the right job hasn't materialized. God has provided...but it is so hard to understand when he wants to work.
Keep us posted!