Thursday, January 04, 2007

Away we go

After years of planning and a lot of driving and a lot of waiting we're within minutes of putting our canoes in the Teslin River and heading out. 120 miles to the Yukon River and over 500 miles to Dawson. We will only intersect with civilisation once when the road to Dawson crosses the Yukon at Carmacks.

The guy to the right of Steve is Dave Duke. The two on the far right are Paul Fink and Phil Lundberg.


Dancelot said...

I'm having a few problems with the new blog site and one question.

1. Every time I come back I have to sign in all over again even though I click "Remember Me". Anybody else having this problem? It's annoying because the new sign in for me is long and hard to remember.

2. I'm being forced to reduce the size of photos down and down until they're about 75 mb. And then when you click on them to view them at a larger scale they aren't larger at all. (?)

3. Hey Mark, when I was fooling around with a new blog it seemed that there was an option for the archive list on the left to be fancier. e.g. to view a post from July you could just move the mouse down the archive list to July and the titles of all the posts from July would appear without actually having to download the entire July Archive. Any chance we could do that?

ms said...

Dan, thanks for the Yukon photos. That event was maybe the best trip of my life.

For #1 maybe you could click on switch in your browser to remember passwords for the blog website.

For #2 i downloaded a photo from Holly's camera which was 2.5 mb and it worked OK. We have DSL. (see photo test above) Perhaps you can change the resolution and keep the pixels for length and height bigger by changing something on your scanner? But you better ask someone who is a guru like one of your kids.

For # 3 i saw a switch for daily, weekly, or monthly archiving. You could switch it if you want and someone could switch it back if they didn't like it.

northberger said...

Daincingtoomuch, I can't see the faces in this picture. I think I'm able to post large photos these days. If you want to email this one to me, I'll try to edit your post.

DeanTheBean said...

1. I believe that I have to log in every time also. I have the "remember password for sites" option set to "Yes" with no exceptions in my exception list.

2. Sounds like the problem you were having with the old blog site. I don't post many photos, but I've never had a problem...

3. I'm not Mark, but...

Yes, it sounds like there is a way to list all the titles in the monthly archive and then click on one of the titles. We can implement this with our "classic" template, but...

It looks like we can update our template system to a newer system called "layouts" which makes it easier to make changes to the blog "home page". We should probably do that. Then it sounds like there is a "hierarchy" option that we can select to list the archives by title.

I can try to set this up later, unless someone else beats me to it...

ms said...

I thought of one more thing for the photo problem. There are 2 types of photo files jpg which is what most of the world uses and microsofts mpeg which uses more file space to do photos. I remember on our scanner we could save files as jpg or mpeg. Try saving some photos as jpg and see if that solves your problem. Also if the photo is small (height and width) it will only expand to the original height and width.

northberger said...


Click on the image now and you'll be able to see the faces.