Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Getting ready for robins

I got a new snowblower a month ago and have only used it once before last tuesday. From early on tuesday morning we got 10 to 12 inches of wet snow, and look how far the snow is blowing! Lots of fun. The day following this snow the temperatures went up to 40 degrees and the 10+ inches melted down to 2 inches in one day! Now a week later I'm keeping my eyes open for the first robins.

This searching for robins has caused me to subconsciously check out the e-RR and nothing has been posted since the robins flew south. We need to revive the e-RR when the robins return this spring. During a belated birthday greeting to Dan we talked about asking everyone to post something once every month or two. Facebook works good as email with photos and it is easy to comment, but it is harder to go back and find historical events.

Next year i am going to go back to this blog post to see when the last snowstorm of 2011 happened. So do you fellow e-Round Robiners feel you can post something each month? And what kind of topics would you all like to read about?

1 comment:

grandmajean said...

We may get snow this weekend as well. He had 80* this week and now today when I will be babysitting some neighbor children and want to play at a great park, it's only 40* so far. Hope it warms up soon.

I would try to post about once a month. I miss our extended family happenings.