Monday, April 03, 2006

Stay Tuned

I have been nervously searching for the BS (Before Stynsberg) Lindstrom slides. I was afraid they were lost. But Dean found a few shoe boxes that contained it all. When I looked in the shoe boxes, I found that they also contained another 50 to 100 AS slides commemorating birthdays, christmas's(?) and the like. So, very soon, I will begin to scan them and post here some of the ones I think are more memorable.
But right now, a technical question for Paul. What is the rough resolution at which you scanned your slides? How many bytes or kilobytes on average? I'd like to know so my scannings would be similar. When they are all scanned I, too, will make sure there is a way for everybody to save the ones they want to save for posterity.


1 comment:

northberger said...

I went with a resolution of 300 dpi. Scale: 300%. The scanner saved them as TIFF files - approx 1.4 MB. I have since converted most of them to jpegs (much smaller file size).

Once I get them all converted to jpegs I'll be able to start burning them to CDs for all of you.