Monday, May 21, 2007

Wildlife ala Metro Minnesota

Thanks Mark. There is a part of me that yearns for wilderness. I have had to suppress that urge, but I can't think of much that would be for me more thrilling than to see moose, bear, wolves outside my front door. It's a little more subtle around here. But last week as a part of Jo's birthday celebration we went for a walk into a local "woods". Jon took the camera and discovered the correct options for capturing close ups.

1 comment:

ms said...

I love close-ups! Kind of hard to get close-ups with mine. How can you folks have flowers already? Lois had to plant some flowers from a greenhouse to get flowers. Our leaves are only about 1/3 of normal size because they just came out about a week ago. It is a nice time of year anticipating a whole summer to enjoy.