Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Alone in the Wilderness

By the way, Mt. Redoubt is only 38 miles from the cabin of Richard Proenneke made famous in the book One Man's Wilderness and the PBS show Alone in the Wilderness.

If you don't know what I'm talking about don't feel bad cuz I didn't know either until this summer. Mark and Lois Ann sent us his book as a thanks for lodging at our house. When I read it and liked it and tried to recommend it to others everybody seemed to have heard of it except me.

I thought Steve would enjoy the book, but he casually says, "Oh yeah that's one of my all time favorites." You can read about it here .

1 comment:

ms said...

I'm thinking that if the economy keeps going south this book will become a must read when we're forced build our own log homes and heat with wood.

There is Steve's subdivision for Minnesotans or Mark's subdivision for Alaskans.