Thursday, December 06, 2007

Global Warming

I have finally begun my global warming education. I began with Al Gore's: Inconvenient Turth...

It was powerful and persuasive...

Next, I read Bjorn Lomborg's: 'Cool It'...

Mr. Lomborg admits that global warming is a problem and that humanity has contributed to it. However, it is not the catastrophe some would have us believe - there are many bigger problems. "If our goal is to improve the welfare of people and the environment and not just reduce carbon emissions, we have to openly inquire how best to do so. Doing too little about climate change is definitely wrong, but so is doing too much." He was recently on BookTV - you can listen to him here.

Any advice for the next step in my education?


ms said...

I bought FSLR several months ago and ORA a couple of years ago and the reason AGU, CF, and POT are going up is because of global warming. Whether they are right or wrong there are ways to use the information.

northberger said...

Now there's a research direction I hadn't considered...

Dancelot said...

I have extemely conflicting opinions on this subject. On the one hand I am convinced that we are living out the Genesis story of the Tower of Babel, and the end of the story is not good.

Perhaps the greatest hero in my intellectual life is Jacques Ellul, a christian who coined the term "Technological Society" in the '50's. (Google him if you're interested or watch the movie "Koyanisquatsi" which was dedicated to him.)

But on the other hand I was being educated when Paul Ehrlich wrote The Population Bomb which was, at the time popular and pursuasive, and totally wrong in its predictions of the terrible things that were coming and when they would happen.

But on the other hand I know that when I was a child we would go view Portage Glacier just outside Anchorage, and that now it is nothing but a large lake.

For your further education I would recommend Googling Bob Giegengack. He's a climatologist who believes in global warming and would vote for Al Gore if he ran for president, but thinks "An Inconvenient Truth" should get an "A" for playing the political game but a "D-" as far as accurately portraying the scientific data. It sounds like he's more in tune with your Lombarg guy. e.g. he agrees that the oceans may rise 27 feet but he says the scientific concesus is that it will ocurr over a period of 3,000 years. Which in his field is a very short period of time.

Most of the people I know are convinced that we will be experiencing a flood like in the days of Noah in our lifetime.

DeanTheBean said...

I think I finally figured out FSLR, ORA, AGU, CF, and POT must be ticker symbols...

The latest thing I read said that some of Al Gore's figures were off and that "global warming" would probably be more accurately termed "global weirdness". He thinks we will have a lot of "weird" weather happening. By the way, are there any glaciers left in Glacier Nat'l Park?

Someone I work with read Cool It and gave a review very similar to yours Paul.

I don't think we need to worry about people doing too much about climate change. I haven't noticed anyone I know making any changes in their lifestyle to combat climate change. I'm concerned about polar bears, but here I am extolling the virtues of wood-burning stoves...

I have some thoughts on this issue that might best be kept to myself, but here are some teaser words: technology (I need to read some Ellul), population, end times, industrial agriculture, extremists.

Thanks. Keep the book reviews coming!

Anonymous said...

Let this stir the pot! Read Michael Crichton's State of Fear. I never read a novel with footnotes (a lot of footnotes) basically showing the politics and fear-mongering of the global warming extremists. Global Weirdness may be occurring, but I agree there are far more important investments to be made of our time and resources!

ms said...

Here are a couple of sites to check out for car ideas. has a fleet of modified hybrid Prius cars that they put in larger storage batteries and also made them plug-in capable. When they are not being used they plug them into solar power. That saves a lot of gas.

Also check out these two compressed air powered cars
or do a search for air powered cars on google. It is a cheap way and an environmentally safe way to travel. The french car may be out next year. The Australian engine was very small and reminded me of the wankel rotary engine.
P.S. The stocks i recommended did very well this past year.