Saturday, June 20, 2009

Jose is almost 2!

It's been so long since I've posted! José is almost 2! He likes wearing caps. He's talking, but barely. He loves cars, trucks, and tractors.

We're going to have another party! Please join us if you can make it. We'll do another BBQ potluck. Start around 2pm. Eat at 5pm? (July 4th)



If anyone can tell me why there is so much white space between this line and the table, let me know...


Dancelot said...

I'm guessing the problem is involved with your word "table". I have no idea what a table is. I tried to edit your post and eliminate a line or two that were looking like "table talk" and the thing posted perfectly without a gap.

Alyssa Dawn said...

Hey, this is Alyssa! I am hoping to make it to the party, but I may have to work that evening at 5pm in Blaine. What is the address of your place?

DeanTheBean said...

Hi Alyssa!
I guess we were busy getting ready for the big day. I didn't see your post until now. For future reference, the address is 1615 Manning Ave. S. in Afton. We still have a land line (651-436-4795). If you had to work, it probably wouldn't have worked too well for you. It was pouring rain at about 4pm. We didn't start eating until after 5pm. But it sure was nice for weather after that big downpour! Sorry we missed you.