Saturday, January 07, 2006

Hiatus To Be Ending Soon

I will be ending my holiday posting hiatus soon. While you're waiting for my return you may want to check out some of the "easter eggs" I've been planting with my posts...

Actually, I was really hoping one of you would discover what I've been doing and share your discovery with everyone. Since no one came through I find myself needing to reveal the secret.

What do I mean by "easter eggs"? With all of my posts going back to early October I've added a link to the title. Just click on the title and you'll be taken to a site vaguely related to the day's post. Some of the sites are lame, but some are humorous. Hopefully this will keep you busy until I return.

I did find some time to do some scanning a few days ago. I've got some great pictures coming...


DeanTheBean said...


I discovered your "easter eggs" sometime around Nov. 17th and included links on my Nov. 17th posts. I didn't say anything. I thought I'd wait until someone else said something...


ms said...

Very clever Paul. Now what is the secret of how to link the title to a webpage? for us handicapped computer illiterates?

northberger said...

Mark, this one is pretty easy. Have you noticed, when you post an entry, there's a title window and right below that there's a window titled 'link'? Just put any URL in the link box. (Voila!)