Saturday, February 25, 2006

At Al & Marge's Cabin

I believe Joan Peterson lives at this cabin year-round these days.


grandmajean said...

I think you're right. Just heard today that Marge celebrated her 75th birthday with a party at the church. That would make her about the same age as Aunt Dorothy and Audrey. We had some fun times out at the cabin through the years.

By the way, Marge Peterson's sister is Ralph's Aunt Jean (Carlson) who was Jean Larson when she was married to my Ralph's uncle, Ralph (Lorraine's brother). Is anyone interested in reading an article that Jean wrote recently that was published in the Cloquet paper? Ralph was killed by a man who apparently wanted to rob him while they were serving in Ethiopia as missionaries. Ralph was a good friend of Helge's. (The man who had to identify Ralph's body in Ethiopia is a brother to a couple of women from our church). Small world, huh? The article is a brief synopsis of Jean's life but there is so much more that we know. God is working wonderful things in Jean's and her children's lives.

Ralph says I talk too much sometimes! I enjoy the history of people and what God has done in their lives.

Dancelot said...

Talk away. Tell Ralph, "It don't cost nothing." By the way. . .hats off to Dean for solving your commnent problem.