Friday, March 17, 2006

Cousin Jean

Dad's cousin, Jean, with a couple of her roommates.

Today's quiz: Where was this picture taken? (I have a guess but I'm not sure yet.)


Dancelot said...

I have a guess too. But I didn't want to guess, what I really wanted was to show up with a reputation-enhancing "Wow!". But I don't think that's gonna happen.

My guess is - the bear cages at Como Zoo. The problem for me was there were surprisingly few hits on Google for Como Zoo. And to add insult to injury from the hits I did get I am guessing that the bear cages were eliminated sometime in the past. It seems that the current Como Zoo only has Polar Bears.


northberger said...

Como Zoo was my guess also, but, like you, I can't prove it.

ms said...

The Duluth zoo had those rock caves also. My guess is the Duluth zoo.