Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ruth And Marge By Statue

This week's question: Where is this statue located? (I have no idea.)


Dancelot said...

Aha! The Puzzlemaster has issued a challenge and Sir Dancelot is here to take the throne.
The first thing I noticed is the body of the "statue" is not a body at all but a one quart milk carton. Anybody knows that a milk carton is not 50 feet tall. . .ergo this is not a real photo but trick photography.
Who, in the family, has the technical know-how to doctor a photo? I won't say (but it rhymes with "Saul").
The arms are obviously model airplane wings from a boeing 747. And the head? Looks like a photo of little brother "Saul" to me.

northberger said...

I'd like to say "nice try" Dancing-way-too-much, but I honestly don't have any idea where this picture was taken. Maybe we should bring Al & Marge into the discussion...