Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Book Report

I usually go to the library every 2 weeks and go through the new books to find something to read at work and during spare time (in place of blogging). This title really caught my attention: THE CASE FOR GOLIATH - How America Acts as the World's Government in the 21st Century, by Micheal Mandelbaum. It is not a religious book and i cannot really tell if it was written from a liberal or conservative slant, but is was very interesting. The title really says what it was about. Here is the last sentence in the book: "About other countries' approach to the American role as the world's government, however, whatever its lifespan, three things can be safely predicted: they will not pay for it; they will continue to criticize it; and they will miss it when it is gone." If you click on the title to this blog you can read a professional book review, and amazon lets you see the table of contents and the intro.
Personally, from a christian viewpoint, i think that in the end times there will be a one world government. Maybe someone can help me find those verses. That leads to this question, are we living in the time and the country that is the one world government, now?
Now we have the topics that should bring out lots of commentary; politics and religion.

1 comment:

Dancelot said...

Nothing to report here on the End of the World (I'm out the door in five minutes), but two things.

1. I suggested music reviews a few posts back, but book and movie reviews would be great too.

2. Just talked to Steve and, not surprisingly, he had a lot of trouble getting onto the new blog. He's been reading it. He had something he wanted to post. I hope I set him going in the right direction. We'll see over the next few days, or weeks, or months.