Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Boys Trembled (MGGGG 5)

Remember, the diet was scientifically derived to squash impure thoughts and I referred to the women fainting because of his graphic diatribes against sexual passion.

One of the main targets of his diatribes was the sexual passions of young men. One of his most popular books was A Lecture to Young Men on Chastity.In the book and his lectures he was the champion of the notion, derived objectively and empirically, that "self stimulation" led to blindness and insanity. You can read the book in it's entirety here

You could tell, he claimed, who was a chronic abuser by the spread of acne. Here's the way he put it. "Ulcerous sores, in some cases, break out upon the head, breast, back and thighs; and these sometimes enlarge into permanent fistulas, of a cancerous character, and continue, perhaps for years, to discharge great quantities of foetid, loathsome pus; and not unfrequently terminate in death."

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