Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Grass is Greener...

I realize we haven't totally exhausted the subject of snow removal yet, but it's Memorial Day weekend... Perhaps we should begin talking about the green stuff that's beginning to ask for hours of our lives every week.

Faith says push lawn mowers have been perfectly adequate for the last 30 years and should continue to serve us for 30 more. Riding lawn mowers may be fine ... for 85-year-old great grandmothers with large yards! Heck, she shelled out plenty for this lawn mower 10 years ago... Recently, in a weak moment, she surprised me and said she might consider allowing us to save up for a pedal mower!


Dancelot said...

That is so cool! I've never seen anything like it. I'm going to get Peter and Jon down here to see this.

ms said...

Have you actually tried it? Someone from the internet said it didn't work very well, but how can you tell if the internet is right?

grandmajean said...

I'd love to try it because I like biking and mowing lawn. Who has a self propelled mower. I helped a neighbor with her lawn. I had a self propelled mower and a regular power mower. I was mowing lawn that was about a foot high (it had gone to seed). I used the self propelled one to cut the grass and the other mower to pick up the grass as another neighbor had offered me her mower with the bag. Whew, that was a work out.