Sunday, May 22, 2011

Number Four

The three driveways done so far were all under a hundred feet.  The last four are all going to be longer than football fields!  Like that football field behind Paul and Faith's place.

When I started this I assumed Steve would be in first place, but unless I made a mistake in my calculations he's not even in the top three.  Coming in at number four is Steve at 325 feet.

Steve's preferred method of snow removal is the snowblower.  So if anyone has one to give him he'd be more than happy.  But until then he's stuck with a lousy shovel.

By the way I know it looks like the road is 20 feet east of where I put it, but that cleared area is for the power line going into his house.


ms said...

Where is the pond/skating rink?

Dancelot said...

If you look to the left of the road about where you'd think the pond should be, there is a green "smudge". It's possible that's the pond.