Friday, September 30, 2005


Do any of you read the magazine "Wired". The last page of every issue has a feature called "Found: Artifacts from the future". The August issue had a crossword puzzle. One clue was: Mars settlement: _____ Station. The answer: Sagan. Another clue: Waterfront capital (post_quake): abbr. Answer: Sac. As I was solving the puzzle I discovered a mistake. I saw this as an opportunity to advertise my web-site, so I sent them a letter and signed my name above ''. Of the hundreds of letters they probably received pointing out the error they must have assumed I was some kind of authority when I signed my name like that so they published mine (letter). Of course they didn't publish my web address - I'm not seeing any increase in traffic...


ms said...

I get Wired magazine because it is only about a dollar or less an issue. They have interesting articles in the back with not much advertising between the articles. They even have some reasonable enviromental articles that realize we need energy somehow instead of saying lets just lock up everything. I have not recieved the newest issue yet - it usually comes a few days after it is in the newstand.

northberger said...

I first realized that Wired is "fair and balanced" in 1997 when I read an article about Julian Simon at:

I renew my subscription every year because my kids sell magazines every year for fund raising projects - I have to buy something...