Monday, September 12, 2005

Moon Landing

How cool is this? We were there.


Dancelot said...

What is this? I don't understand what I'm looking at?

ms said...

That was the day we landed on the moon. You don't remember this because you and Greg were walking around on the moon. Paul and i were monitoring you from inside Appollo and we took this picture of the video screen.

northberger said...

Mark, you really need to add a face to your profile. A face is worth a thousand words. Have you noticed how much more effective dancelot's comments are since he's added the face? Of all people the BlogMaster should have a face.

ms said...

I do not know how to get my photo on my profile... I have that "hello" program but cannot add this round robin blog to it, it has the marks alaska blog. Do you have any ideas???

Dancelot said...

Look down the blog to my post "Need a Profile?" I edited my rantings about how I couldn't figure out how to use "hello" into a list of things that I finally did to get a photo.