Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas Eve

Here goes again, but I don't think I remember how to transfer it over to email. We need to find out what time will work out for everyone, especially you Northbergers coming in from Roseau. We want to have some time with our children and grandchildren prior to the event. Josh and Heidi, you'll have to let us know when you leave for your event.

This is the menu as I have compiled it to this point:

Dan and Jo: little smokies in bbq sauce, cheesecake
Dean and Kurt: green bean casserole
Paul and Faith: strawberry pretzel jello salad, cheeseball and crackers, ...and maybe some cookies or candy.
Ralph and Jean: Swedish meatballs, Pork roast, Mashed potato bake, appetizers,etc.


ms said...

Jean, i do not know how you do this. This is the first blog i've seen where the writing goes out of the column and right off the page. It adds character to the blog.

northberger said...

Would it work for us to pull in around 4:00 or so?

Put us down for a cheeseball and crackers too.

...and maybe some cookies or candy.

grandmajean said...

Paul and Faith,

I will confer with our siblings at the party on the 17th. No one else has commented on the time. I'm sure 4:00 would be ok as long as it's 4PM and not 4 AM. It will be fun to be together and to have you guys on Christmas Eve this year.