Thursday, December 01, 2005

Test Your Strength Here

A while back, in mid November I pointed people to a test that attempts to reveal your strengths in the virtue department. The people creating the test think that living your life in a way to let your strengths shine is a key component in a happy life. I said that if others took the test and showed their results I'd show mine.
So far, only Dean has responded. Here is what he said. . .

"Here's my feedback from the test... I have a hard time taking tests like this because I keep wanting to answer questions the way I would like to see myself rather than the way I really am. Nevertheless, I think this is fairly accurate. It's nice that they present the results in a positive light, because I saw a lot of negative in myself (things I would like to change about myself) while taking the test.
1 Humor [playfulness]You like to laugh and tease. You bring smiles to other people. You see the light side. You make(but don't necessarily tell) jokes.
2 Forgiveness and mercyYou forgive those who have done wrong. You give people a second chance. You are not vengeful.
3 Curiosity [interest, novelty-seeking, openness toYou take an interest in all of ongoing experience for its own sake. You find subjects and topics fascinating. You explore and discover.
4 Citizenship [social responsibility, loyalty, teamworkYou work well as a member of a group or team. You are loyal to the group. You do your share.
5 Vitality [zest, enthusiasm, vigor, energy]You approach life with excitement and energy. You don't doing things halfway or halfheartedly. You live life as an adventure. You feel alive and activated."

I find Dean's results very interesting. Humor and Playfulness. That goes a long way in explaining why my boys think Dean is such a great Uncle.
Also I find interesting his hesitations about taking the test. A little fear of the results and a difficulty in answering honestly about strengths and weaknesses rather than idealisticly as if one were the perfect human being who excels in all endeavors.
One need not worry about this test. It is not interested in your weaknesses, only your strengths. There is no wrong answer. So let's see the results of some of you others. The questions are not hard but there are a lot of them. Don't take the test unless you have at least half an hour to devote to it. Don't overthink your answers just respond with your gut reactions.

Here are my most recent results. (Every time I've taken the test it comes out slightly differently, but the main thrust is always the same.) The only area that for me is very different from Dean's is "energy, vitality, zest". I wish I had more.

1. Open Minded
2. Love of Learning
3. Creativity
4. Leadership
5. Humor

Take the test here.

By the way, Mark said he had read portions of Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman. This theory of the importance of virtue is presented well in that book. It's a book I'd recommend heartily.

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