Thursday, October 27, 2005

Family Meeting

It's been three months since brother Mark began this site. Enough time for a number of issues to come to mind.

1. First, I think brother Mark deserves a hearty Thank-you for starting the e-round robin. The family blog is a great idea that fills a void.

2. I am also thankful for whoever made this Blog Spot on the WEB. I still can't believe they give us unlimited space to post whatever we please. . .for free! They are not doing this because they like us. What's in this for them? And I have no idea.

3.There is a thought that came to mind with the confusion over which Heidi thought her mom's hair was wierd. . .specifically . . . should we even allow people to issue comments anonymously? I'm on the fence here, but I know that technically we could flip a few levers and people would need to create a Profile before they could comment or post. A few advantages would be that it would eliminate all spam and we wouldn't have to enter a code each time we made a comment. Personally I figure the more participation the better and we should stick with anonymous. But the question is. . .would anonymous comments further or slow-down the participation of all.

4. Also concerning the Heidi fiasco. . .there is a tender issue which has the potential to open up a can of worms. The question of which Heidi issued the criticism gets us into the touchy area of which lady had the silliest hairdo. Well, it doesn't take a genius to see that has the potential of blowing up the entire family dynamic. I don't suppose we can resolve this by simply issuing the decree that everybody had a silly hairdo back then and most of us look even sillier now? Perhaps we could defuse this tension by moving the question beyond Lois Ann and Jean. As I have looked at all the old pictures posted on this site, I have frequently thought about the silliness of the hairdo - including my own. Perhaps we could search our photos to find other examples and give some kind of award for the silliest hairdo in the family.

5. This is something DeanTheBean commented on somewhere - how is it that Steve, Greg, Jean and others are able to post and yet they don't seem to have a Profile? I thought you had to create a Profile before you could post? I'm glad they're posting but I'm confused about the Profile thing.

6. Has anyone else noticed that both Greg and Steve posted once and then fell off the face of the earth?


DeanTheBean said...

1. Yes, thanks Mark.

2. Blogger is run by Google. I assume they just want to get as many people as they can using Blogger. Maybe sometime in the future they would have some kind of advertising thing or (gulp) a fee. I think you can already put ads on your blog... Maybe they get a $hare on the number of clicks (?). I haven't looked into it.

3. Even if you have a profile, one of the options when you leave a comment is to do it anonymously. (I could do this comment anonymously.) I think we have this blog set up so that only team members can post a regular post.
I'm leaning toward allowing comments from others for a couple reasons:
(a)We haven't had much spam.
(b)We might get some good comments once in a while!

4. Pretty obvious to me. Lois Ann has the funniest hair!

5. They have a profile. They just haven't filled in the personal stuff...

6. Yes. Maybe they'll post again sometime...

Dancelot said...

But then, if Lois has the funniest hair, then (drumbeat) Heidi must be Quick!

ms said...

This blogging has been a lot of fun. I will be posting some new stuff soon. Still working turnaround. Other or Anonymous can comment if they want. We would welcome relatives, friends or anyone to comment if they want. The word verification has stopped the spam problem we had about a month ago.

We could have advertising and make some money from the amount of hits, but i think they would be like having billboards on the highway. We do not have those in Alaska and it is nice. We probably do not have enough folks reading this to make much $$$$ anyway.

One thing i like on some folks blogs is a list of favorite blogs or other links on the sidebar. I'm kind of illiterate in computerese to set that up. It would be nice if we each could have about a dozen favourite links for folks to check out.

Blogging is a good way to keep in contact and jog our fading memories. Jean has been commenting a lot lately, thanks. We would like to hear from Greg and Steve and many others.

If someone wants to make posts, feel free to ask for an invitation. We will set you up. It is very easy.

northberger said...

I'll keep my comments short...

1. Thanks Mark, we love you.
2. Regarding the anonymous issue - right now it's not broken, no need to fix it. I suspect that some time down the road we may need to change this policy.