Thursday, October 13, 2005

Rest In Peace

Steve called me Thursday night to tell me that he had read in the obituaries section of the Duluth paper that Ruth Sjoblom had passed away. Her funeral was on Saturday. Steve attended, representing the family. There is a special place in my heart for Ruth Sjoblom. On the night Helge died, I was home alone. Ruth took it upon herself to be the one to break my heart. I will never forget her tears and her hugs and her words of comfort. It is in my nature to fend off intense emotional contact, but I am glad that many years later I had the courage to take her aside and thank her for what she had done and what she had said.


ms said...

All of the Sjobloms were wonderful to know. Ruth was always friendly and showed hospitality. Think of the busloads of tourists Bill would bring by their place on the St. Louis river, and they would entertain and feed them. Makes me think of the Bible verse "...I was a stranger and you took me in..." Their family and Ruth have touched many folks lives with their stories, adventures, and faith in God through all the ups and downs of this life.

DeanTheBean said...

My memories of Ruth are not too many, but all good. She always seemed like a "fun" person!