Friday, October 28, 2005

Sex and the Kitty

Earlier someone asked about the kitty that ended up at the Lindstroms. Well the kitty now has the name Pepper and is doing fine. But I have another puzzle based on the pictures we posted. When I brought the kitty to the vet for its first checkup, the receptionist asked whether it was male or female. I said we weren't sure but my brother thought it might be female. The receptionist took one look at the cat from 10 feet away and instantly said, "Oh, that's definitely a female." Here's the puzzle. How could one tell this cat is a female with only a casual look? (Dean can't participate cuz I told him the answer)


DeanTheBean said...

Sure is a cute kitty!

northberger said...

As the proud owner of two calico cats I happen to know that 99.97% of calicos are female. A male calico, though not impossible, is an anomaly. For more info see:

Dancelot said...


northberger said...

What do I win? Is it in the mail?

Dancelot said...

On second thought, I am not prepared to say "Calico" is correct.
First: when the receptionist explained her rationale she did not use the word "calico"!
Second: even the web site you referred us to seems to say this cat is a calico in one place but in another that it is not.
I need to check a few more places but it seems there is more than one definition of "calico". I try to be objective but for now I'm going with the definition that makes your answer wrong. Nice try, but no prize. . .yet.

northberger said...

Okay... tourtoise shell... same difference.

Dancelot said...