Friday, October 14, 2005

Holly is in Perth

Yesterday i wrote about Christoffer, so today i will let you know what Holly is doing. She has been in Perth almost 2 months now working at a coffeehouse that is run by YWAM (Youth With A Mission). She is enjoying it and sends email updates pretty regularly. I am thinking that this is her third time to Perth, Australia. The first time she went to a Bible training school for 3 months and then on to several countries in Southeast Asia for 3 months of short-term missions work. Last year, during the Alaskan winter, she went to Perth for counseling training for 3 months. This time they went to South Africa for the missions part of the training.

Now she is working in a coffee house that is an outreach to the youth in Perth. She will be there for a year. Amy is also going to go there soon. Here is the webpage for the
coffeehouse. Also here is another little article about
KAIO which is the name of the coffee house - clothing store. You can click on the home page there to find out more about YWAM Perth.

Holly if you get a chance to read this you can say hello to everyone by clicking on the comment section below.

1 comment:

northberger said...

Great post, A-rob. It was great to hear what Holly's up to.

Dan, how's cross country going for Peter this fall?