Friday, October 21, 2005

Sir Dancelot Steps Up To The Plate!

A few weeks ago I submitted a photo puzzle. Within minutes of my publication Little Brother Paul publicly humiliated me with his quick response. Well now the tables have turned. Little Brother Paul has submtted a photo puzzle and now it is my turn to publicly humiliate him. I am, of course, referring to the question. . .what is the name of the restaurant?

The first clue relates to the person on the right near the window. Clearly that person is smoking a cigarette. Any civilized person knows that smoking is banned in any respectable eating establishment. . .ergo. . .this place is NOT a respectable eating establishment.

The second and third clues relate to a photographic effect. . .specifically that a window behind the consumers reflects other frequenters of this establishment. When you zoom in to the upper left you see a shiny can that could be anything but is most likely a CAN OF BEER!!!!!

What sort of establishment is this? Anybody who pays attention knows that smoking and drinking in reputable restaurants has been banned for years. Ergo. . .this place is not a reputable establishment. To pound the nail into the coffin here allow me to present a blowup of a liquid resting on the table in the uppper right of the photo.

A clear liquid. What else could it be but GIN OR VODKA!!!!! This is not good. And then if you will draw your attention to the lower right portion of the picture we have in our view a young woman who can only be described as. . .A TWO-BIT FLOOZIE!!!!!!

My sensitive scruples caution me to stop here. This is not a pretty picture. And the squeemish may choose to stop here, but I now draw your attention to a pale young child. An innocent creature who appears to be coughing, hacking uncontrollably. What could be the cause of this ailment? It could be anything, but following the clues, the most likely reason is a debilitating chronic cough caused by frequent exposure to SECOND HAND SMOKING!!!!! The truly pathetic thing here is that all these people were aware of this pathetic child and could find nothing better to do than to laugh.

So, in summary, we can conclude that this is an establishment of ill repute. But Little Brother will not cough up the reward unless one of us Names the name of this tawdry place. Well. . .look again in the upper right where the window is reflecting back on the place. There is a single "gentleman" (and I use the term loosely here!) who is persuing a menu. If one zooms in on the menu one will find the name of this "restaurant". And it is a name I will not repeat amongst civilized people. Case closed. What is my prize?


northberger said...

Valient effort, Dancingtoomuch, but I think you based your conclusions on faulty evidence. Obviously, the object you refer to as a cigarette is too dark for a cigarette. It's clearly a cigar of some kind - perhaps a Tiparillo. As we all know, in the '70s cigars were smoked by the elite, often in upscale establishments. Keep trying.

ms said...

I would like to know who is the mystery man reflected in the window? And who left his delicious Blue Cheese hamburger to take this picture?

Dancelot said...


ms said...

Grandma has spoken. Did everyone notice???? You can never be too busy for family.

Wasn't there a restaurant called Grandmas??