Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Fourth and Fifth Clues

Next on the list are a few clues Paul didn't mention. Perhaps the topic of carpeting was too boring for him.
First, there is the gray carpeting next to the Mortens System Saver Salt Pellets. Must be in the basement. Who has gray carpeting in a basement? Dean, especially, should have an advantage here since he chose the carpeting himself way back in another life when he co-owned this house with Dan and Jo and the walk out basement was his room.
Second, there is the brown carpeting next to the Sega Genesis cartridges. Dan and Jo have brown carpeting, of course. But brown isn't anything unique, or is it? This particular carpeting has an utterly unique pattern of shades of brown called Splotch O' Rust famous for hiding any known stain in the civilized world. The only home in North America with Splotch O' Rust is Dan and Jo's!


northberger said...

Is my prize in the mail? What's the cat's name? The photos didn't give very good clues as to whether it should be a Mabel or a Baxter...

Dancelot said...

You will get a prize. (Some kind of "photo of the day" sort of thing.) The cat's name is probably going to be Pepper. Peter thought of it. Jo and I like the name. The boys are witholding judgement. More about the photos later. The kitten had her first vet appointment a few days ago and we learned that the color pattern on her is very unique.