Saturday, October 08, 2005


Okay I will begin with the most obvious clue and work my way through to the more esoteric. In the upper right hand corner of the second picture is a shiny yellow bag. Anyone who frequents grocery stores or gas stations would eventually recognize it as a Mortens Salt Pellets bag.
The only known use for Mortens Salt Pellets is the softening of water. So we can immediately remove Steve from the list since he HAS NO WATER!!!
We can then go on to make the conjecture that people living in established suburbs have city water and are less likely to need water softening and can therefore remove Jean and Buzz and Greg and Denise.
We are left with people living on the edge. Dean and Kurt have well water but they also have a Real Basement. Notice that this bag of Mortens Salt Pellets is resting on carpeting while Dean and Kurt's basement is slab concrete and crammed with farm stuff.
I also think we can safely remove Paul and Faith from the list since they live in the middle of nowhere and for all we know they melt icicles for water. (Not to mention that Paul is the one who guessed the clues.)
So that leaves Mark and Lois Ann who have no basement and may or may not have well water and Dan and Jo who have a partially finished basement and definitely have well water. Ergo. . .nothing definite but the cat might be at Mark and Lois Ann's or even more likely at Dan and Jo's.

1 comment:

ms said...

It is not us. We do have well water, but it is pretty good water and does not need treatment. Also we have mice and shrews as pets, so we would not want to have a cat around the house. Do you know that cats even attack robins???