Sunday, October 23, 2005

Women With Smiles

Since Dancestoomuch guessed correctly (I think) with "Somebody's House" (see post from Thursday), I present this picture as his prize.

Jean, you can, perhaps, make this gift complete by telling us who everyone is - there are three or four I am unsure of. (And welcome by the way.)


Dancelot said...

I hate to say it, but Grandma Jean has got me wondering. I guessed "Somebody's House" cuz every adult present seemed to have ordered a hamburger (except the Floozie who looks like she went with salad and toast). But when Grandma Jean suggested Top of the Raddison. . .hmmmmmm. . .it is a bit curious that you have a long table that abuts the window as if sitting right next to the window is more important than having people sit at each end of the table. Unless Paul has some slide evidence to the contrary I'm inclined to go with Top Of the Raddison and magnaminously relinquish my prize.

Dancelot said...

On the other hand I think I'm going to take my prize back. If it was the top of the radison then every table would be facing the windows. Right? And from the reflection in the window we can see that there is "depth" to this restaurant. People are sitting at tables that are not next to the windows.

northberger said...

I'm sticking with "Somebody's House". My memory is terrible, but the minute "hamberger" was mentioned I thought... yeah, that's it!

The closer I look at the picture the less I'm convinced that it's a window behind us... I think I recall there being a couple levels in the restaurant and I think that it just another section of the restaurant on a higher level.

Dancelot said...

Hmmmmmmm. Very interesting.

Dancelot said...

Another argument against Top Of The Radisson is this. At the Radisson you pay for the view. It would be assumed that every location was next to the windows. But it would also be assumed that your location next to the windows was not a view of wall and curtains. If I was at the Radisson and had this seating I would complain.